Rabu, 26 Agustus 2015

How To Make A Delicious Pasta

Pasta is a product of Italy cuisine ingredient, and requires a little knowledge of cooking the pasta right in order for this dish can be served perfectly. In General, ignorance about how to make pasta could get the results less expected, namely pasta that overcook or mature. So that you can get the desired results, there are a few tips to note:

How To Cook Pasta Right

Baca Juga: Grosir Glucolife
  • By the time the water is already boiling, lower the fire. After that enter the pasta with a sieve, so that fast drop sweet pasta when it is ripe. This is to prevent so that pasta is not overcooked which causes the pasta was ruined, soggy, or broken.
  • Do not close the pot meetings while you boil the pasta, so that water does not run over the town. Tackling the solution, cover the pan with a wooden spoon or sutil to hold so little open.
  • Do not put a pasta that's been drained away into a bowl of cold, as it would make the pasta from sticking. so, Preheat mangkoknya with hot water, so that the temperature is warm before you put the pasta into it.
  • Do not boil the two different types of pasta at once, because different pasta, different point of matangnya.
  • Do not flush the exhausted paste cooked with cold water, because it could lead to clot
  • Mix the pasta with the sauce immediately which is still warm to keep the pasta did not enter winter. So, Cook pasta and sauce should be together so that their same temperature when mixed.
  • The pasta was already given the sauce and toppings should be served while still warm
Baca Juga: obat alergi untuk anak
  1. Use the comparison of water and pasta when boiled, i.e. about 4 liters of water for 1/2 kg of pasta. It takes a lot of water so that the pasta can be cooked enough, because if less pasta tends to clot.
  2. At a time when the water starts to boil, immediately add 2 teaspoons of salt to add to taste. Then enter pastanya at a time when the water is already boiling, Cook the pasta in a way while diaduk-aduk a few times – do not keep. Do not closed with Scotch, or all not closed and let. Stirring to prevent sticky pasta aim at each other.
How to make a simple delicious pasta sauce
Ingredient/spice sauce:
  • 30 gr of cheddar cheese
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 1/2 onion, sliced-iris
  • 300 ml tomato sauce
  • 3 tbsp chilli sauce
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • TSP pepper
  • MSG to taste
  • 3 tbsp cooking oil
  • White water to taste
Baca Juga: obat batuk kering dari green world
  • Chicken egg 2 grain, boiled
  • 100 gr. of beef, iris-iris to taste fried, boiled, cooked
How to make sauce:
  1. Heat the cooking oil, saute the onions, and stir in until fragrant, then insert the garlic, Saute changes color to brownish.
  2. Stir in tomato sauce and chilli sauce, stir-stir until well blended. Stir in salt, pepper, and MSG, continue stirring. If it is felt it is too thick, add a little boiled water. Add beef, mix well.
How to serve:

Serve the pasta that is, 1 plate of pasta is poured 7 – 8 tablespoons of the sauce, sprinkle shredded cheese to taste. Put a slice of hard-boiled egg, or a piece to taste at the edge of the pasta. Stir in pasta sauce and cheese was given already to align, eggs should not be stirred participated, according to taste.

| How To Make A Delicious Pasta

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